Press Releases

Infant avoidance avoidance during a novel tactile task may be a predictor for autism spectrum disorder behaviors, according to a Yale co-authored study. Yale Daily News

Click here for an interview with one of the EGDS PI’s, Jody Ganiban at George Washington University, about the EGDS work on childhood weight/obesity. 

Maternal smoking during pregnancy associated with offspring conduct problems, study suggests. Journal of the American Medical Association Press Release

NICHD Research Conversation with EGDS researcher Dr. Leslie Leve - Maternal smoking during pregnancy associated with offspring conduct problems, study suggests. Audio Interview / Written Transcription

Marriage Problems Predict Sleep Difficulties in Young Children, Study Suggests. Society fo Research in Child Development Press Release

Environment-genetics combination appears linked to children’s early antisocial behavior, Wayne State University researcher finds. Press Release

Are Some Children are Born Antisocial? Press Release