
In Press

  • Lipscomb, S. T., Becker, D., Laurent, H., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., Reiss, D., Fisher, P. A. & Leve, L. D. (in press). HPA Activity as a moderator of hostile, over-reactive parenting on children’s skills for success in school. Infant and Child Development. (Abstract)
  • Taraban, L., Shaw, D. S., Leve, L. D., Natsuaki, M. N., Ganiban, J., M., Reiss, D., and Neiderhiser, J. M. (in press). Parental depression, overreactive parenting, and early childhood externalizing problems: Moderation by social support. Child Development. (Abstract)


  • Leve, L.D., Neiderhister, J.M., Harold, G.T., Natsuaki, M.N., Bohannan, J.M., & Cresko, W.A. (2018). Naturalistic experimental designs as tools for understanding the role of genes and the environment in prevention research. Prevention Science, 19 68-78 (Abstract)


  • Harold, G.T., Leve, L.D., & Sellers, R. (2017). How can genetically informed research help inform the next generation of interparental and parenting interventions? Child Development, 88, 446-458. (Abstract)
  • Klahr, A. M., Burt, S. A., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D. S., Ganiban, J. M., Reiss, D., & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2017). Birth and adoptive parent antisocial behavior and parenting: A study of evocative gene-environment correlation. Child Development, 88, 505-513. doi:10.1111/cdev.12619 (Abstract)
  • Leve, L. D. (2017). Applying behavioral genetic research to inform the prevention of developmental psychopathology: Drawing from the principles of prevention science. In P. H. Tolan, & B. L. Leventhal (Eds.), Advances in development and psychopathology: Vol 2. Gene–environment transactions in developmental psychopathology: Brain research foundation symposium series (pp. 251–282). New York, NY: Springer.
  • Perez-Grabow, A., Khurana, A., Natsuaki, M.N., Neiderhiser, J.M., Shaw, D.S., Ganiban, J.M., Reiss, D., & Leve, L.D. (2017). Using adoption-biological family design to examine associations between maternal trauma, maternal depressive symptoms, and child internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Manuscript submitted for publication. Development and Psychopathology, 29, 1707-1720. (Abstract)
  • Taraban, L., Shaw, D. S., Leve, L. D., Wilson, M. N., Dishion, T. J., Natsuaki, M., Neiderhiser, J. M., & Reiss, D. (2017). Maternal depression and parenting in early childhood: Contextual influence of marital quality and social support in two samples. Developmental Psychology, 53, 436-449. (Abstract)
  • Waller, R., Shaw, D. S., Neiderhiser, J. M., Ganiban, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Reiss, D., Trentacosta, C. J., Leve, L. D., & Hyde, L. W. (2017). Towards an understanding of the role of the environment in the development of early callous behavior. Journal of Personality, 85, 90-103. (Abstract)


  • Brooker, R.J., Alto, K. M., Marceau, K., Najjar, R., Leve, L.D., Ganiban, J.M., Shaw, D.S., Reiss, D., & Neiderhiser, J.M. (2016). Early inherited risk for anxiety moderates the association between father's chid-centered parenting and early social inhibition. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 7, 602-615. (Abstract)
  • Hyde, L., Waller, R., Trentacosta, C., Shaw, D., Neiderhiser, J., Ganiban, J., Reiss, D., & Leve, L. D. (2016). Heritable and non-heritable pathways to early callous unemotional behaviors. American Journal of Psychiatry. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2016.15111381 (Abstract)
  • Mammen, M. A., Moore, G. A., Scaramella, L. V., Reiss, D., Shaw, D. S., Leve, L. D., & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2016). Infant patterns of reactivity to tactile stimulation during parent-child interaction. Infant Behavior and Development, 44, 121-132. (Abstract)
  • Marceau, K., De Araujo-Greecher, M., Miller, E. S., Massey, S. H., Mayes, L. C., Ganiban, J. M., Reiss, D., Shaw, D. S., Leve, L. D., & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2016). The perinatal risk index: Early risks experienced by domestic adoptees in the United States. PLOS One, 11(3): e0150486. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150486 (Abstract)
  • McClelland, M. M., Leve, L. D., & Pears, K. C. (2016). Preschool executive functions in the context of family risk. In J. A. Griffin, L. S. Freund, & P. McCardle (Eds.), Executive function in preschool age children: Integrating measurement, neurodevelopment and translational research (pp. 241–257). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (Abstract)
  • Neiderhiser, J. M., Marceau, K., de Araujo-Greecher, M., Ganiban, J. M., Mayes, L. C., Shaw, D. S., Reiss, D. & Leve, L. D. (2016). Estimating the roles of genetic risk, perinatal risk, and marital hostility on early childhood adjustment: Medical records and self-report. Behavior Genetics, 46, 334–352. (Abstract)
  • Roos, L. E., Fisher, P. A., Shaw, D. S., Kim, H. K., Neiderhiser, J. M., Reiss, D., Natsuaki, M. N., & Leve, L. D. (2016). Inherited and environmental influences on a childhood co-occurring symptom phenotype: Evidence from an adoption study. Development and Psychopathology, 28, 111-125. PMC: 4598247 (Abstract)
  • Stover, C. S., Zhou, Y., Kiselica, A., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., Scaramella, L. V., & Reiss, D. (2016). Marital hostility, hostile parenting, and child aggression: Associations from toddlerhood to school-age. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 55, 235–242. PMC: 4764800 (Abstract)
  • Waller, R., Trentacosta, C. J., Shaw, D. S., Neiderhiser, J. M., Ganiban, J. M., Reiss, D., Leve, L. D., Hyde, L. W. (2016). Heritable temperament pathways to early callous unenemotional behaviour. British Journal of Psychiatry, 209, . 475-482. (Abstract)


  • Beekman, C., Neiderhiser, J. M., Buss, K. A., Loken, E., Moore, G. A., Leve, L. D., Ganiban, J. M., Shaw, D. S., & Reiss, D. (2015).The development of early profiles of temperament: Characterization, continuity, and etiology. Child Development, 86(6), 1794–1811. PMC: 4562331 (Abstract)
  • Brooker, R. J., Neiderhiser, J. M., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D. S., Scaramella, L., & Reiss, D. (2015). Associations between infant negative affect and parent anxiety symptoms are bidirectional: Evidence from mothers and fathers.Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1875. PMC: 4667033 (Abstract)
  • Brotnow, L., Reiss, D., Stover, C. S., Ganiban, J., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D., S., & Stevens, H. E. (2015). Expectant mothers maximizing opportunities: Maternal characteristics moderate multifactorial prenatal stress in the prediction of birth weight in a sample of children adopted at birth. PLOS ONE. Online first. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141881. PMC: 4636431 (Abstract)
  • Fearon, P., Reiss, D., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D. S., Scaramella, L. V., Ganiban, J. M., & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2015). Child evoked maternal negativity from 9 to 27 months: Evidence of gene-environment correlation and its moderation by marital distress. Development and Psychopathology, 27(4), 1251–1265. PMC: 436274 (Abstract)
  • Hajal, N. J., Neiderhiser, J. M., Moore, G. A., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D. S., Ge, X., Scaramella, L. V., Ganiban, J. M., & Reiss, D. (2015). Angry responses to infant challenges: Parent, marital, and child genetic factors associated with harsh parenting. Child Development, 86, 80-93. PMC: 4331203 (Abstract)
  • Mammen, M. A., Moore, G. A., Scaramella, L. V., Reiss, D. Ganiban, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Leve, L. D., & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2015). Infant avoidance during a tactile task predicts Autism Spectrum behaviors in toddlerhood. Infant Mental Health Journal, 36, 575–587. PMC: 4715575 (Abstract)
  • Marceau, K., Laurent, H. K., Neiderhiser, J. M., Riess, D., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., Fisher, P. A., & Leve, L. D. (2015). Combined influences of genes, prenatal environment, cortisol, and parenting on the development of children's internalizing vs. externalizing problems. Speical issue of Behavior Genetics on "Gene-hormone interplay," 45(3), 268-282. PMC 4416104 (Abstract)
  • Massey, S. H., Reiss, D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D. S., Ganiban, J. M. (2015). Maternal personality traits associated with patterns of prenatal smoking and exposure: Implications for etiologic and prevention research. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 53, 48–54. (Abstract)
  • McAdams, T. A., Rijsdijk, F. R., Neiderhiser, J. M., Narusyte, J., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., Spotts, E. L., Ganiban, J. M., Reiss, D., Leve, L. D., Lichtenstein, P., & Eley, T. C. (2015). The relationship between parental depressive symptoms and offspring psychopathology: Evidence from a children-of-twins study and an adoption study. Psychological Medicine, 45(12), 2583–2594. PMC: 4523449 (Abstract)
  • Reuben, J. D., Shaw, D. S., Neiderhiser, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Reiss, D., & Leve, L .D. (2015). Warm parenting and effortful control in toddlerhood: Independent and interactive predictors of school-age externalizing behavior.Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. Online first. doi: 10.1007/s10802-015-0096-6(Abstract)
  • Roben, C., Moore, G., Cole, P., Molenaar, P., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D., Reiss, D., & Neiderhiser, J. (2015). Transactional patterns of maternal depressive symptoms and mother-child interactions in an adoption sample. Infant and Child Development, 24, 322–342. PMC: 4498674 (Abstract)
  • Stover, C. S., Zhou, Y., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., & Reiss, D. (2015). The relationship between genetic attributions, appraisals of birth mothers’ health, and the parenting of adoptive mothers and fathers. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 41, 19–27. PMC: 4547608 (Abstract)
  • Van Ryzin, M. N., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., & Reiss, D. (2015). Genetic influences can protect against unresponsive parenting in the prediction of child social competence. Child Development, 86(3), 667-680. PMC: 4428976. (Abstract)
  • Waller, R., Shaw, D. S., Neiderhiser, J. M., Ganiban, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Reiss, D., Trentacosta, C. J., Leve, L. D., & Hyde, L. W. (2017). Towards an understanding of the role of the environment in the development of early callous behavior. Journal of Personality, 85, 90-103. (Abstract)


  • Brooker, R. J., Neiderhiser, J. M., Ganiban, J. M., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D. S., & Reiss, D. (2014). Birth and adoptive parent anxiety symptoms moderate the link between infant attention control and internalizing problems in toddlerhood. Development and Psychopathology, 26, 347-359. PMC: 3981904 (Abstract)
  • Elam, K. K., Harold, G. T., Neiderhiser, J. M., Reiss, D., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., Gaysina, D., Barrett, D., & Leve, L. D. (2014). Adoptive parent hostility and children’s peer behavior problems: Examining the role of genetically-informed child attributes on adoptive parent behavior. Developmental Psychology, 50, 1543–1542. PMC: 4113003 (Abstract)
  • Laurent, H. K., Neiderhiser, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., Reiss, D., Fisher, P. A., & Leve, L. D. (2014). Stress system development from age 4.6 to 6: Family environment predictors and adjustment implications of HPA stability versus change. Developmental Psychobiology, 56, 340-354. PMC: 3883974 (Abstract)
  • Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., Neiderhiser, J. M., Ganiban, J. M., Harold, G. T., Reiss, D., & Leve, L. D. (2014). Raised by depressed parents: Is it an environmental risk? Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 17, 357-367. PMC: 4224978 (Abstract)


  • Blozis, S. A., Ge., X., Xu, S., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., Scaramella, L., & Reiss, D. (2013). Sensitivity analysis of multiple informant models when data are not missing at random. Structural Equation Modeling, 20, 283-298. PMC: 4162658 (Abstract)
  • Gaysina, D., Fergusson, D. M. Leve, L. D., Horwood, J., Reiss, D., Shaw, D., Elam, K., Natsuaki, M. N., Neiderhiser, J. M., & Harold, G. (2013). Maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring conduct problems: Evidence from 3 independent genetically-sensitive research designs. Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry, 70, 956–963. PMC: 3828999 (Abstract)
  • Harold, G. T., Leve, L. D., Barrett, D., Elam, K., Neiderhiser, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D.  S., Reiss, D., & Thapar, A. (2013). Biological and rearing mother influences on child ADHD symptoms: Revisiting the developmental interface between nature and nurture. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54, 10381046. PMC: 3767192 (Abstract)
  • Harold, G. T., Leve, L. D., Elam, K. E., Thapar, A., Neiderhiser, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., & Reiss, D. (2013). The nature of nurture: Disentangling passive genotype-environment correlation from family relationship influences on children’s externalizing problems. Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 12–21. PMC: 3576129 (Abstract)
  • Kerr, D., Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Natsuaki, M., Neiderhiser, J., Shaw, D. S., & Reiss, D. (2013). Influences of biological and adoptive mothers’ depression and antisocial behavior on adoptees' early behavior trajectories. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41, 723–734. PMC: 3681846(Abstract)
  • Laurent, H. K., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., Fisher, P. A., Marceau, K., Harold, G., & Reiss, D. (2012). Effects of parental depressive symptoms on child adjustment moderated by HPA: within- and between-family risk. Child Development, 84, 528-542. PMC: 3532571 (Abstract)
  • Laurent, H. K., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., Harold, G. T., Fisher, & Reiss, D. (2013). Effects of prenatal and postnatal parent depressive symptoms on adopted child HPA regulation: independent and moderated influences. Developmental Psychology, 49, 876-886. PMC: 3820365 (Abstract)
  • Leve, L. D., DeGarmo, D. S., Bridgett, D. J., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. J., Harold, G. T., Natsuaki, M., & Reiss, D. (2013). Using an adoption design to separate genetic, prenatal, and temperament influences on toddler’s executive function. Developmental Psychology, 49, 1045-1057. PMC: 3509265 (Abstract)
  • Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Ganiban, J., Natsuaki, M. N., & Reiss, D. (2013). The Early Growth and Development Study: A prospective adoption study of child behavior from birth through middle childhood. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16, 412–423. PMC: 3572752 (Abstract)
  • Lipscomb, S. T., Laurent, H., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., Reiss, D., & Leve, L. D. (2013). Genetic vulnerability interacts with parenting and early care education to predict increasing externalizing behavior. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38, 70-80. PMC: 4109820(Abstract)
  • Marceau, K., Hajal, N., Leve, L. D., Reiss, D., Shaw, D., Ganiban, J. M., Mayes, L. C., & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2013). Measurement and associations of pregnancy risk factors with genetic influences, postnatal environmental influences, and toddler behavior. International Journal of Behavior Development, 37, 366–375. PMC: 4018759 (Abstract)
  • Marceau, K., Ram, N., Neiderhiser, J. M., Laurent, H. K., Shaw, D. S., Fisher, P. A., Natsuaki, M. & Leve, L. D. (2013).  Disentangling the effects of genetic, prenatal, and parenting influences on children’s cortisol. Stress, 16, 607–615. PMC: 3928628 (Abstract)
  • Natsuaki, M. N., Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Ganiban, J., Scaramella, L. V., & Reiss, D. (2013). Transactions between child social wariness and observed structured parenting: Evidence from a prospective adoption study. Child Development, 84, 1750–1765. PMC: 3675176 (Abstract)
  • Natsuaki, M. N., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Scaramella, L. V., Ge, X., & Reiss, D. (2013). Intergenerational transmission of risk for social inhibition: The interplay between parental responsiveness and genetic influences. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 261-274. PMC: 3576856 (Abstract)
  • Reiss, D. Leve, L. D.., & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2013). How genes and the social environment moderate each other. American Journal of Public Health, 103, S111S121. PMC: 3778406 (Abstract)


  • Lipscomb, S. T., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D. S., Neiderhiser, J. M., Scaramella, L. V., Ge, X., Conger, R. D., Reid, J. B., & Reiss, D. (2012). Negative emotionality and externalizing problems in toddlerhood: Overreactive parenting as a moderator of genetic influences. Development and Psychopathology, 24, 167–179. PMC: 3270900 (Abstract)
  • Massey, S. H., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Leve, L. D., Ganiban, J. M., & Reiss, D. (2012). Maternal Self Concept as a Provider and Cessation of Substance Use During Pregnancy. Addictive Behaviors, 37, 956–961. PMC: 3377383 (Abstract)
  • Rhoades, K. A., Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Mannering, A. M., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., & Reiss, D. (2012). Marital hostility and parent-reported child sleep problems in early childhood: Indirect associations via hostile parenting and genetic moderation. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 488-498. PMC: 3824960 (Abstract)
  • Stover, C. S., Connell, C., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Scaramella, L. V., Conger, R., & Reiss, D. (2012). Fathering and mothering in the family system: Linking marital hostility and aggression in adopted toddlers. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53, 401–409. PMC: 3279589 (Abstract)


  • Brooker, R. J., Neiderhiser, J. M., Kiel, E. J., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D. S. & Reiss, D. (2011). The association between infants’ attention control and social inhibition is moderated by genetic and environmental risk for anxiety. Infancy, 16, 490–507. PMC: 3158002 (Abstract)
  • Lipscomb, S. T., Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Ge, X., & Reiss, D.  (2011). Trajectories of parenting and child negative emotionality during infancy and toddlerhood: A longitudinal analysis. Child Development, 82, 1661–1675. PMC: 3177150 (Abstract)
  • Martin, D. M., Leve, L. D., Natsuaki, M. N., Neiderhiser, J. M., & Ge, X. (2011). Toward a greater understanding of openness: A report from the Early Growth and Development Study. National Council of Adoption’s Factbook V, 471–477. (Abstract)
  • Mannering, A. M., Harold, G. T., Leve, L. D., Shelton, K. H., Shaw, D. S., Conger, R. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Scaramella, L. V., & Reiss, D. (2011). Longitudinal associations between marital instability and child sleep problems across infancy and toddlerhood in adoptive families. Child Development, 84, 1252–1256. PMC: 3134604 (Abstract)
  • Massey, S. H., Lieberman, D. Z., Reiss, D., Leve, L. D., Shaw, D., Neiderhiser, J. M. (2011). Association of clinical characteristics and cessation of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use during pregnancy. American Journal on Addictions, 20, 143–150. PMC: 3052631 (Abstract)
  • Rhoades, K., A., Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., & Reiss, D. (2011). Longitudinal pathways from marital hostility to child anger during toddlerhood: Genetic susceptibility and indirect effects via harsh parenting. Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 282–291. PMC: 3084154 (Abstract)
  • Reiss, D. & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2011). Marital dynamics and child proaction: Genetics takes a second look at developmental theory. In K. Dodge & M. Rutter (Eds.), Gene-Environment Interactions in Developmental Psychopathology. The Guildford Press: NY.


  • Gottesman, I. I., He, S., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M. (2010). Special section in memoriam: Xiaojia Ge, 1954–2009. Behavioral Genetics, 40, 281–283.
  • Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Ge, X., Neiderhiser, J. M., & Patterson, G. (2010). Refining intervention targets in family-based research: Lessons from quantitative behavioral genetics. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 516–526. PMC: 3008822 (Abstract)
  • Leve, L. D., Kerr, D., Shaw, D., Ge, X., Neiderhiser, J. M., Reid, J. B., Scaramella, L., Conger, R., & Reiss, D. (2010). Infant pathways to externalizing behavior: Evidence of Genotype x Environment interaction. Child Development, 81, 340–356. PMC: 2845990 (Abstract)
  • Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Scaramella, L. V., & Reiss, D (2010). The Early Growth and Development Study: Using the prospective adoption design to examine genotype-environment interplay. [Special section] Behavior Genetics, 40, 306–314. (Reprinted from 2008 Acta Psychologica Sinica, 40, 1106–1115. PMC: 5575997. (Abstract)
  • Natsuaki, M. N., Ge, X., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Conger, R. D., Scaramella, L. V., Reid, J., & Reiss, D. (2010). Genetic liability, environment, and the development of fussiness in toddlers: The roles of maternal depression and parental responsiveness. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1147–1158. PMC: 2936717. (Abstract)
  • Pemberton, C. K., Neiderhiser, J. M., Leve, L. D., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., Reiss, D., & Ge, X. (2010). Influence of parental depressive symptoms on adopted toddler behaviors: An emerging developmental cascade of genetic and environmental effects. Development and Psychopathology, 22, 803–818. PMID: 4014132 (Pemberton)
  • Reiss, D. (2010). Genetic thinking in the study of social relationships: Five points of entry. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5(5), 502-515. PMC: 4240312 (Abstract)


  • Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Ge, X., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D., Scaramella, L. V., & Reiss, D. (2009). Structured parenting of toddlers at high versus low genetic risk: Two pathways to child problems. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 48, 1102–1109. PMC: 2780535 (Abstract)
  • Reiss, D., Leve, L. D., & Whitesel, A. (2009). Understanding links between birth parents and the child they have placed for adoption: Clues for assisting adopting families and for reducing genetic risk. In G. M. Wrobel & E. Neil (Eds.), International advances in adoption research for practice (pp. 119–146). New York: John Wiley. (Abstract)


  • Ganiban, J. M., Leve, L. D., Moore, G., & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2008). Strategies for understanding the mechanisms of mothering and fathering. In R. S. Bridges (Ed.), Neurobiology of the parental brain (pp. 391–403). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. (Abstract)
  • Ge, X., Natsuaki, M. N., Martin, D., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Shaw, D. S., Villareal, G., Scaramella, L. V., & Reiss, D. (2008). Bridging the divide: Openness in adoption and post-adoption psychosocial adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 529–540. PMC: 2638763 (Abstract)
  • Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Scaramella, L. V., & Reiss, D (2008). The Early Growth and Development Study: Using the prospective adoption design to examine genotype-environment interplay. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 40, 1106–1115. PMC: 2674795 (Abstract)


  • Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Ge, X., Scaramella, L. V., Conger, R. D., Reid, J. B., Shaw, D. S., & Reiss, D. (2007). The Early Growth and Development Study: A prospective adoption design. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 1, 84–95. PMC: 2674795 (Abstract)
  • Reiss, D. & Leve, L. D. (2007). Genetic expression outside the skin: Clues to mechanisms of Genotype × Environment interaction. Development and Psychopathology, 19, 1005–1027. PMC: 2144738 (Abstract)


  • Hollenstein, T., Leve, L. D., Scaramella, L., Milfort, R. & Neiderhiser, J. (2003). Openness in adoption, knowledge of birthparent health history, and adoptive family adjustment. Adoption Quarterly, 7, 43–52. (Abstract)


  • Leve, L. D., Scaramella, L., & Fagot, B. I. (2001). Infant temperament, pleasure in parenting, and marital happiness in adoptive families. Infant Mental Health Journal, 22, 545–558. (Abstract)